Friday, March 23, 2018

Layouts and design#1

Due to it being more convenient for my brother, instead of going to Miami, I decided to keep the shoot more local and simple yet catchy. Since my target audience are teens to young adults, I decided the best way to establish a connection to both age groups is to base the shoot in a high school. The reason all of the consumers would relate is because most of them will currently attend high school or have been previously enrolled in a high school. Also basing the shot in a school would make it easier to shoot at because it’s so close by and there’s so many props I can utilize in the shoot. I came up with one rough draft of a shot I plan to capture which is placing my model on the side of the stand in the end zone because I feel like since the 70s is full of color and the wrapping around the post is yellow it’ll help to give that extra pop of color.
I haven’t had any luck finding a female model, and on top of that my brother is an athlete and he has a tournament this weekend and if he wins he has to travel out of town to states and I won’t have my main model. However just in case I’ve already found a back up model who is more than willing to participate in the shoot. I also had no luck with the thrift stores and it’s really challenging to find clothes that much the 70s so I’m considering changing the year to 90s. After I meet with Diego and my brother and view their wardrobe I will make my final decision. Below is a very very rough draft of the shot I plan on achieving.

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